
The Administration department handles the churches day to day business. It includes departments such as the Bookstore to transportation. To learn more about our Administration department click this section.

Christian Education

Christian Education focuses on teaching the principals of Christianity of all age groups. To find out more about the opportunities Christian Education provides click on this section.

Discipleship & Family

Our Discipleship ministry focuses on keeping our church strong in the Lord, while our Family ministry focuses on couples, singles and children. Click this section for more information.


Fellowship is a ministry where we get to enjoy one another other, support one another and have fun. We love you so much… we even have a Birthday/ Anniversary ministry!

Outreach Ministry

The Outreach ministry goes outside of the church into the community. We have great ministries such as Assistance, Education, Health Awareness and many others. Click this section to learn more.


What are Christians designed to do? WORSHIP! We do this in many forms such as music, drama, praise dance and many other ways. Come take a look inside of the ministry of Worship!